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The information located in this MyOffer tab is available to individuals who have received an offer from P&G. Authentication codes are provided as part of a P&G Offer letter. If you have any questions, please contact your recruiter or write to careers.im@pg.com and include US Offer Site in the subject line.

GABLE is our Employee Group dedicated to fostering an inclusive, supportive global network that enables Gay, Ally, Bisexual, Lesbian and Transgender Employees to contribute to their fullest potential and to bring their whole self to work every day.

What began as largely a North American-centered network for fostering workplace equality for Lesbian, Gay Bisexual and Transgendered (LGBT) employees has grown into a supportive and global community, with chapters in every region of the world. These grassroots efforts have evolved into chapters representing the diversity of our employees as well as strong allies to support individuality and inclusion.